I help tired and stressed parents create a thriving household that makes life easier and better for their family
Get My Free PDF DownloadDoes any of this ring true in your household?
My kids don’t listen to me when I talk to them. I feel stressed most of the time. I do most of the chores around the house with little to no help. Our kids are on their screens all the time! I don’t know how to help each of my children with their school work. My kids don’t share details with me about their day. We feel exhausted and drained by the end of the day. We eat out a lot because my husband and I have difficulty coming up with a healthy meal plan. I am not sure how to teach gratitude to our children. I am overwhelmed by the constant amount of clutter around our house. We have many doubts about our parenting skills. We have no clue how to teach our kids about handling money. I wonder how to prepare my children for their lives beyond high school in this ever-changing information age.
Wouldn’t you as a parent love to feel less stress, self-doubt, and physical exhaustion when:
You see your children treating others with respect
Your kids respond to you right away on your first request
You all eat dinner together at home most nights and share the details of our day
You and your spouse feel much less stressed, and you are not so physically exhausted every day
Your kids grab their mental health first aid kit when they are having trouble coping with a challenging situation
Your children have regular chores and help with the household responsibilities
You know exactly what actions you can take to build each child’s self-esteem
Your kids are learning how to manage their money using different “buckets”
You volunteer together as a family a few times a month at a place that is special to all of you
You are confident that your kids are now equipped with the life skills to lead independent and successful lives
You and your partner are finally able to manage your kids’ screen time and have open and honest conversations about online safety
You know so much more about each of your children: Their learning style, love language, career interests, and so much more!

My kids don’t listen to me when I talk to them. I feel stressed most of the time. I do most of the chores around the house with little to no help. Our kids are on their screens all the time! I don’t know how to help each of my children with their school work. My kids don’t share details with me about their day. We feel exhausted and drained by the end of the day. We eat out a lot because my husband and I have difficulty coming up with a healthy meal plan. I am not sure how to teach gratitude to our children. I am overwhelmed by the constant amount of clutter around our house. We have many doubts about our parenting skills. We have no clue how to teach our kids about handling money. I wonder how to prepare my children for their lives beyond high school in this ever-changing information age.
I understand your parenting struggles. I know what it feels like to have good intentions yet be overwhelmed and unsure of your skills as a parent. In addition to being a single parent of three children, I was a special education teacher for over 20 years. I have experience dealing with kids from first graders to high school grads. I have seen and heard first hand the frustration of parents attempting to make positive changes in their children and within their household.
Luckily, I’m a process kind of girl. I thrive on creating systems and strategies to implement within a household making life smoother and more predictable. Having set routines in place REALLY helps when the unexpected situation comes along (like a global pandemic). These systems benefited my family at home as well as my students in the classroom.
Even though it might seem like hard work at first (which it is), the positive changes you will see over the long haul are well worth the time and effort you invest. You will no longer be reinventing the wheel and fighting the same battles on a daily basis

YOU can begin making positive changes in your children and within your household TODAY!
1. Schedule a FREE
30-minute consult
2. Create a parenting game
plan together.
3. Enjoy your family’s transformation

At Up Your Parenting Game, I know you are the kind of parents who want to be your children’s main cheerleaders. In order to effectively wear all of the parenting hats, you need a playbook to make life easier and better for your family. The problem is, you are tired and stressed which makes you feel overwhelmed and doubting your parenting skills. I believe that the important job of parenting should not be so draining and difficult. I understand how daunting the responsibility of parenting can be. That’s why I am devoted to improving your parenting experience. My coaching packages will offer you a plan with on-going support .My parenting book, Up Your Parenting Game: Your Playbook to Make Life Easier and Better for Your Family, is expected to be published summer of 2025. And coming soon in early 2025, the Up Your Parenting Game Podcast to air every Wednesday. Begin on a new parenting path today! It only involves three steps: Step 1: Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation with me. Step 2: Make a parenting plan together. Step 3: Choose a coaching package for on-going support.
Stop trying to juggle all of the parenting balls without a household game plan. Imagine being able to effectively manage all of the moving parts of your household from safety to technology to health to education!